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Rollins Center Hosts Entrepreneurship Week on BYU Campus

The Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology celebrates the spirit of creativity and innovation by hosting the first ever Entrepreneurship Week Sept. 26–30.

Man Presenting

"This will be the biggest entrepreneur event on BYU's campus and in the state of Utah," says Scott Petersen, managing director of the Rollins Center.

Through a series of events and activities across campus, E-Week will let students know about the entrepreneurial resources available and will motivate them to start their own companies. E-Week kicks off with a presentation about the value of entrepreneurship Mon., Sept. 26, at 2 p.m. On Tuesday and Wednesday, BYU colleges and departments will offer a variety of entrepreneurial events and activities. Other events include:

Mobile App Competition: Students can showcase their skills as mobile app developers. Tuesday, Sept. 27, 5–6 p.m. W408/410 TNRB.

Entrepreneur & Venture Ecosystem Night: The Rollins Center and Silicon Slopes will host this RSVP networking event featuring organizations from around the state. Wednesday, Sept. 28, 6–8 p.m. Assembly Hall, Hinckley Center.

Utah Startup Marketplace: The event will connect BYU's talented students to Utah's startups. Thursday, Sept. 29, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Garden Court, WSC.

Entrepreneur Mentoring Extravaganza: Experienced entrepreneurs will present mini-workshops, offer one-on-one mentoring in a speed-pitch format and help students make connections to jump start their business ideas. Thursday, Sept. 29, 2–4 p.m. 3220 WSC.

Business Plan & Business Model Competition Kickoffs: The kickoff will provide students with information about the two entrepreneurial student competitions. There will also be pizza and door prizes. Thursday, Sept. 29, 5–6 p.m. 3220 WSC.

SIOY: The Student Innovator of the Year competition, hosted by the Fulton College of Engineering and Technology and the Engineering & Technology Startup group, will present the competition's top entries in a preliminary event. Friday, Sept. 30, 12–1:30 p.m. Varsity Theatre, WSC.

E-Week will conclude with the BYU football game versus Utah State in LaVell Edwards Stadium, where students will attempt a Guinness World Records flash mob between the first and second quarters of the game.

"There's something for every student at E-Week," says Steve Liddle, academic director at the Rollins Center. "From mentoring and networking opportunities to student competitions, it's a fantastic collection of events for all levels of skill, interest and background."

For more information about the events, visit

The Marriott School is located at Brigham Young University, the largest privately owned, church-sponsored university in the United States. The school has nationally recognized programs in accounting, business management, public management, information systems and entrepreneurship. The school's mission is to prepare men and women of faith, character and professional ability for positions of leadership throughout the world. Approximately 3,000 students are enrolled in the Marriott School's graduate and undergraduate programs.


Writer: Janet Barton