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Fall 2021 Summer 2014 Winter 2020
Preparedness has been preached by the Boy Scouts, the federal government, and Dwight Schrute (remember that episode where he sets the office on fire?). And there are far too many cautionary tales of people and businesses that failed to prepare and faced tragic consequences when disaster struck.
A word of advice to the newest graduates of the School of Accountancy: learn to take a good ribbing—because while you may have just earned a coveted degree from a top-ranked accounting program, you’ve also just entered one of the world’s most-stereotyped professions.
Growing a garden isn’t all weed pulling and sweat. It’s a boon for your health—not to mention your dinner table. In fact, gardeners consume the recommended amount of fruits and veggies nearly twice as often as their non-planting peers.
The Utah Governor’s Mansion was blanketed in soft, blue light. The occasion was World Autism Awareness Day 2014, and buildings across the country were swapping bulbs to highlight a disorder that affects one in sixty-eight American children.