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Feature Fall 2002
Looking at the proliferation of business school rankings may make you feel like you’re staring down an IRS tax form. They’re complex, constantly changing, and often confusing. In fact, there are now more major business school rankings than major accounting firms. So why are there so many different rankings? What is the school ranked and why? Administrators and faculty are often asked these questions. The problem is, the answers are not simple and are rarely consistent over time. Nonetheless, examining the fine print and contrasting the perspectives of some of the most prominent rankings provides some answers and valuable insights. 
Good morning. It’s great to be with you today. You are truly an awesome sight. The last time I spoke at a graduation was at my high school ceremony some thirty-three years ago. Then as now, I find it a very humbling task. 
More than 20 million Americans are counting on their 401(k) investments to help see them through retirement. Some predict that 401(k) holdings will grow from $500 billion to more than $2 trillion by 2006.1