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Fall 2007 Fall 2014 Summer 2004 Summer 2005 Winter 2006
It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but multiplying invites, conflicting schedules, and lengthy family visits can make the holidays more hectic than happy.
Around the world, young social entrepreneurs are leading the way, rewriting the rules, and changing the world. It pays to do good.
We have a son who is studying at the Marriott School. When he was about three years old, our family was living in the Governor’s Residence in Salt Lake City.
Suit, socks, and, of course, a toothbrush—you’ve loaded your carry-on, but what about your smartphone? Travel apps can get you off the beaten path, keep you on budget, and deflect boredom in Terminal 2.
Sam sits to your left, but you know him as “the doomsayer.” With each new project, he prophesies epic failure and marks every email urgent—including the one about not microwaving strong-smelling food in the break room.
Katalin Bolliger’s first trip outside of the United States was just the experience she wanted—eight thousand miles away from campus and surrounded by tigers and elephants.
Curtis Bedont thought he knew what it meant to be in the military. Though he spent his formative years on bases in foreign outposts, his fighter-pilot father never faced deployment.
When my wife, Bonnie, and I graduated from Utah State University, our commencement speaker was Gerald Ford, then vice president of the United States and the proud father of a member of our graduating class. He commented, “It was Horace Greeley who said, ‘Go west, young man,’ but it was Brigham Young who knew where to stop.”
Elder J. Willard Marriott Jr., president and chair of Marriott International, and Richard E. Marriott, chair of Host Hotels and Resorts, joined other church leaders, campus officials, faculty, and members of the National Advisory Council 25 April 2007 to break ground for a significant addition to the N. Eldon Tanner Building.
Visiting with top executives, touring bustling factories, and meeting with micro-credit applicants is not an everyday occurrence for Marriott School undergraduate students—unless you happen to be on a business study abroad.