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Entrepreneurship is, in many ways, the lifeblood of our economy. Each year, more than half a million businesses are started, and millions of jobs are created in the United States alone. Additionally, the entrepreneurial itch helps advance technology and diversifies the economy.
I once knew a man who worked for a major oil company. He managed a large wholesale territory that sold fuel and oil products to airlines and other big accounts. Some years ago, the company decided to pull out of his territory. They offered him the opportunity to buy the wholesale business “for a song,” which he readily accepted. He worked diligently and set specific financial goals for his company. He committed these goals to writing on 3x5 cards and kept them in his shirt pocket so he could frequently review them. Everything he did with that business was aimed at fulfilling these goals.
The Beehive State is abuzz. The stretch along the Wasatch Front from Ogden to Provo is growing into a hub of technology entrepreneurship, dotted with everything from scrappy startups to billion-dollar ventures. Meet Seven Marriott School Alumni inside Utah’s Tech Boom
Negotiation skills might not bring you everything you want in life, but you can increase your odds of success. To up your game, try a relationship-driven approach for an outcome that helps everyone, says a 2015 study in Harvard’s Negotiation Journal.
As children grow, a parent’s role evolves—from caregiver to choreographer to coach. When children hit young adulthood and finish their college years, parents function primarily as consultants. But this promotion is no cushy retirement. It’s a challenging gig: even the most well-adjusted young adult can run into roadblocks, and parents have less control over kids’ decisions than before.
Gandhi has a story. Winston Churchill has a story. Martin Luther King Jr. has a story. Great leadership is interwoven with great stories, and often this leadership comes when leaders perceive the power of their own stories.
How a neglected virtue can redeem leadership's most notorious vice
After a divisive campaign that brought us the #AnyoneButTrump movement and Hillary Clinton’s literal Woman Card, you might know where you stand when it comes to the presidential candidates—or maybe you’re not so sure, even as the polls ready to open this November.
Anytime the topic of new product innovation is raised, it’s guaranteed that someone inevitably will bring up . . . Apple’s iPod.
Can you put a price on company culture? That’s the question Steve Marriott, executive vice president of culture at Marriott International, asked a group of Marriott School students. Specifically, he wanted to know if Marriott’s “spirit to serve associates, customers, and communities” added to the company’s economic value.
The steel is up, the floors are being poured, and despite several snowstorms, the Tanner Building Addition is on schedule for completion next fall.
On 23 December 1999 there was a poor man in Kansas City looking for some warm winter clothing in a Salvation Army thrift shop. He had seventy-five cents in his pocket. Suddenly someone approached him from behind and said, “Excuse me.”
The tour begins with a Superman print by pop artist Andy Warhol. Next comes a painting by Jasper Johns. Then, a splashy, thirty-eight-foot mural by abstract expressionist Sam Francis.
Inside the Tanner Building they’re professors who teach finance, ethics, marketing, accounting, and a host of other subjects. But, have you ever wondered what these notable professors do in their spare time?
In an episode of M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter is called to Seoul and leaves Hawkeye in charge. Hawkeye, who instinctively challenges authority, experiences what it’s like to be in charge, and on several occasions, he oversteps his authority. When Potter returns, he sits down with Hawkeye and B.J., who are feuding about B.J. violating one of Hawkeye’s orders. Potter lets the two surgeons go at each other and remains quiet until Hawkeye tries to enlist his support. “Why aren’t you helping me?” Hawkeye asks. “You should be in the middle of this. You’re the commander.”