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I once knew a man who worked for a major oil company. He managed a large wholesale territory that sold fuel and oil products to airlines and other big accounts. Some years ago, the company decided to pull out of his territory. They offered him the opportunity to buy the wholesale business “for a song,” which he readily accepted. He worked diligently and set specific financial goals for his company. He committed these goals to writing on 3x5 cards and kept them in his shirt pocket so he could frequently review them. Everything he did with that business was aimed at fulfilling these goals.
For perhaps the first time in modern history, five generations are coming together in ways that significantly impact how we live. Differences between generations (both real and perceived) have existed since the beginning of time, but the study of those differences has never been more scrutinized and researched than it is currently—and for good reason.
In “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” T. S. Eliot wrote, “‘Do I dare?’ . . . ‘Do I dare?’ . . . Do I dare / Disturb the universe?” Although I haven’t always recognized it, this simple question has been one that has guided my journey through life.
When the BYU Marriott Inclusion Committee gathered data about students’ experiences in the business school, the committee discovered many individuals desired further guidelines on developing inclusive behavior that they could carry with them into the workplace.
Stephanie Crook was close to her breaking point. Pregnant with her fourth child and traveling frequently for work, she felt that things were slipping.
Today’s office-holding, business-owning, C-suite-level women are fulfilling the dreams of turn-of-the-century activists from the women’s suffrage movement.
Choose your words wisely. Research from two BYU professors shows that violent language is causing us to play fast and loose with ethics — and even become more aggressive in our personal interactions.
Two BYU Marriott professors are lighting the way to a more accurate system of reading the stars of business.
How many times this semester have you been asked, “What are your plans after you graduate?” Dozens? Thousands? Most of you likely have a plan for your life.
As Benjamin Franklin aptly noted, “In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” Might we add another inevitability—namely, the dread that for many accompanies the tax season?
Making use of her well-honed business chops, this 1976 BYU Marriott grad has spent retirement focused on improving her community—one creative solution at a time.
At some point during their education, every BYU Marriott undergrad takes the M COM 320 class, an advanced writing course required for graduation.
How Pivotal Experiences Change Us and Our Careers
In business, it’s often about the numbers. At BYU Marriott School of Business, however, the bottom line adds up to a lot more than simply profits minus losses.
I feel a deep sense of gratitude for Brigham Young University and its noble purpose. It has been at the very root of my conversion to the gospel and has laid the foundation for my private happiness and my professional progress.