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Feature Summer 2002 Winter 2012 Winter 2018
How many times this semester have you been asked, “What are your plans after you graduate?” Dozens? Thousands? Most of you likely have a plan for your life.
It doesn’t take much to make you feel blue: gray clouds hanging low in the sky or buzzing fluorescent lights casting a cold, clinical pallor. Often the weeks after Christmas become the start of a bleak and seemingly endless winter. You’re pensive and it’s hard to function at work and at home.
Jeremy Charlesworth could see the skepticism on his client’s face. She didn’t say it, but he knew what she was thinking: You’re wrong.
In my career and my life I have found the key determinants to success include one’s ability to take on a challenge and adapt to change. Change comes in many forms: your responsibilities, your callings, and your addresses. 
For nearly two decades, Eric Olsen was solidly employed as a manager in the high-tech sector. But, last year his employment streak ended when he and 1.7 million other Americans were laid off.1 
Nothing in the economic corner of our culture elicits more collective fascination than the stock market. Media attention, conventional wisdom, parental advice, folklore, and scandal all seem to work overtime when it comes to “the market.” U.S. equity markets at the dawn of the twenty-first century are unique in terms of the broad participation of individual citizens—both the wealthy and middle class.