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Feature Fall 2016 Fall 2018 Fall 2020 Summer 2017
When Les Misérables opened in London’s West End in 1985, many critics gave it an unfavorable review, declaring it bloated, dreadful, and “witless.”1 Despite the negativity, performances sold out quickly, and the original run lasted more than thirty years. Les Misérables remains one of the most popular musicals of all time.
When Mark Roberts began working at the FBI in 2002, its cyber program was small. “Almost nonexistent,” he says. “And the cases were mostly child pornography.”
Stephanie Janczak felt nervous when she walked into professor Ramon Zabriskie’s classroom for the first time. A BYU Marriott therapeutic recreation and management (TRM) major, Janczak knew that she would be working alongside the other TRM students in the class for the next two years as the cohort progressed toward graduation.
The many instances of some- times lethal violence and discrimination against Black people that have been widely publicized in the news media in the last several months have been deeply disturbing to me and
A graduation speaker should give graduates a glimpse into who they are—supplying an anchor that allows them to stand firm in the storms of life. Providing that anchor requires unbelievable intelligence, insight, and wisdom—or, if a speaker doesn’t have those, answers from a really good questionnaire!
Six months before he returned home from serving an LDS mission, Tyler Meidell started thinking about what his next steps in life should be. Through his mission experience, he had discovered a passion for serving and leading others, and he wanted to pursue that course when he came home.
Blockchain. Google the word, and you’ll find a plethora of analogies attempting to explain the concept. And no wonder. While the definition appears fairly straightforward—it’s a digital, openly accessible ledger that can be concurrently added to, forming a permanent chain of data “blocks”—understanding how people use blockchain is anything but simple.
The National Advisory Council (NAC) is commemorating fifty golden years of helping the BYU Marriott School of Management shine. During this time, NAC members have provided wise vision for the school, generously funded programs, selflessly mentored students, and even made personal sacrifices to keep the school from closing its doors. To join in the jubilee, we’ve compiled this tribute of fifty facts, stories, and memories of the contributions NAC members have made to place the Marriott School at the top and extend the influence of BYU worldwide.
Most of you will never have heard of Andrew Skurka, but those who like to backpack will know the name. He was the 2007 National Geographic Adventurer of the Year.
The Beehive State is abuzz. The stretch along the Wasatch Front from Ogden to Provo is growing into a hub of technology entrepreneurship, dotted with everything from scrappy startups to billion-dollar ventures. Meet Seven Marriott School Alumni inside Utah’s Tech Boom
As children grow, a parent’s role evolves—from caregiver to choreographer to coach. When children hit young adulthood and finish their college years, parents function primarily as consultants. But this promotion is no cushy retirement. It’s a challenging gig: even the most well-adjusted young adult can run into roadblocks, and parents have less control over kids’ decisions than before.
How a neglected virtue can redeem leadership's most notorious vice
After a divisive campaign that brought us the #AnyoneButTrump movement and Hillary Clinton’s literal Woman Card, you might know where you stand when it comes to the presidential candidates—or maybe you’re not so sure, even as the polls ready to open this November.